January 2009

Nepal Mountaineering Association


Tourist arrival in 2008- 2 Jan 2009

The figures released by Immigration Office, Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) reveals that the total number of visitors in 2008 has reached to 374,661, which is 4% more in comparison to the year 2007. Tourists from European countries such as UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Demark and Sweden have maintained the increasing trend in the arrival figures 2008. Total arrivals in 2008 from the United States of America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have also increased in comparison to 2007. The total visitor arrivals from South Asian countries registered positive growth except India in 2008.

Pemba declared Best Adventure of 2009- 2 January 2009

Famous National Geographic magazine declared a Nepali mountaineer, Mr. Pemba Gyalze Sherpa as Best Adventure of 2009 for daring contribution in saving lives of fourteen people above 27,000 ft on K2, the world's IInd highest peak. Details can be viewed at http://adventure.nationalgeographic.com/2008/12/best-of/pemba-sherpa-text

Winter Aspirant Guide Course - 5 Jan

As per agreement signed between NMA and Nepal National Mountain Guide Association on 18 Dec 2007, Winter Aspirant Guide Course was conducted from 5-23 Jan 2009 in Kathmandu and Langtang under the supervision of two representatives from International Federation of Mountain Guide Association (IFMGA). Ten aspirant guides participated in the course.

Visitors' increased at IMM- 7 Jan

92,384 national and international guests visited International Mountain Museum in 2008. 30784, 53160, 62297 and 77570 visitors observed IMM in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively.

Nepal Tourism Year 2011 to be celebrated- 18 January 2009

The first meeting of main committee of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 was held in Kathmandu on January 18, 2009 to discuss various issues relating to this mega event. The meeting has also proposed Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation Ms. Hisila Yami, Vice Chairperson of National Planning Commission and Chief Executive Officer of Nepal Tourism Board as the chairperson, Joint Chairperson and Member Secretary of the main committee respectively. Secretariat of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 will be at Nepal Tourism Board. Nepal Tourism Year 2011 campaign has set the target to bring one million tourists in 2011. The major objectives of the tourism year are to establish Nepal as a choice of premier holiday destination with a definite brand image; to improve and extend tourism related infrastructures in existing and new tourism sites; to enhance the capacity of service providers; to build community capacity in the new areas to cater the need of the tourists; and to promote domestic tourism for sustainability of industry.

Nagarjun forest declared Shivapuri National Park- 23 January

In a program organized to mark the inauguration of Nepal National Conservation Year 2009, Ngarjun forest was formally handed over to Shivapuri -Nagarjun National Park. It is renamed as Shivapuri - Nagarjun National Park. Nagarjun forest is spread over Kathmandu and Dhading districts coverning an area of 1500 hectares of land. The conservation year attempts to advocate a policy on climate change and global warming. The program is intended to encourage locals for the conservation of bio-diversity and uplift the living standard of the marginalized people through the development of tourism. Hon'ble Minister for Forest and Soil Conservation Kiran Gurung was the chief guest for the program.

Promotion of Nepal Tourism Year starts- 27 January 2009

Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation formally started the first promotional program of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 on 27 January 2009. The main objective of the campaign is to establish Nepal as a prime holiday destination with a definite brand image, improve and extend tourism related infrastructure in existing and new tourism sites. The idea is also to enhance the capacity of service providers and build community capacity in new areas to cater to the needs of tourists and promote domestic tourism for sustainability of the tourism industry.